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Item Database - Reanimator's Cloak

Reanimator's Cloak Icon #22892 This white cloak feels surprisingly comfortable despite it's cold appearance.
Flags Visible, No Drop
Can Carry, Wear, Use
Patch current
120 (interpolated between QL 100 and QL 150)
Change QL:
Type Armor
Slot Back
Value 15200
To Use User Intelligence >= 393
User Psychic >= 333 and
User Level >= 85 and
To Equip User Intelligence >= 390 and
User Psychic >= 330 and
User Level >= 85
On Equip User Texture Arms 245247  
User Texture Body 245261  
User Texture Legs 245262  
Chat Text The cloak feels cold to the touch  
User Modify Projectile AC 559  
User Modify Melee AC 480  
User Modify Energy AC 600  
User Modify Chemical AC 715  
User Modify Radiation AC 715  
User Modify Cold AC 715  
User Modify Poison AC 600  
User Modify Fire AC 559  
User Modify Sensory improvement 10  
User Modify Matter metamorphosis 10  
User Modify Biological metamorphosis 10  
User Modify Psychological modifications 10  
User Modify Matter creation 10  
User Modify Time and space 10  
User Modify Nano pool 22  
User Mesh Body robe  
On Use User Summon Item RAWH  
User Destroy Item  
Notumsurrrge @ 2004-04-06 00:23
yolchanok @ 2004-04-07 17:06
Evercast @ 2004-04-13 08:18
not hard to get.
Pfex @ 2004-05-04 10:57
where can I get this?
feky @ 2004-05-04 12:52
it's made from stuff from new dungeon, pit demon heart & necromancers robe
Akaran @ 2004-05-22 08:53
The exact process is:

1.) Combine a Pit Demon Heart (drops from Awakened Pit Demon) with a Bio-Comminutor (must be at least QL80, requires 550 Chemistry). This produces an Indigo Carmine.
2.) Combine the Indigo Carmine with a Necromancer's Cloak (drops off Necromancers, fittingly enough). This step requires 450 Computer Literacy, and produces the Reanimator's Cloak.
raven2k4 @ 2004-08-17 12:18
requires 525 in chemistry :)
fordanukey @ 2005-01-23 03:43
i assume its nodrop you you need to raise the skills and make it yourself if not let me know please
Rennard @ 2005-01-23 20:03
It is nodrop once it is made..combine a pit demon heart with a necromancer cloak (both special items..found in crypt of Home) and it then becomes nodrop. Nice thing about this item is it levels, and its better than any back armour in its league, combine this baby with Tier one (which also levels) and you're soarin'
Madsmekker @ 2005-08-30 22:07
What decides the QL of the cloak ?
Justron @ 2005-09-22 20:28
nothing. it's lvl up item.
Yakobo66 @ 2006-05-26 19:31
gergiskoo @ 2006-06-25 19:08
Mr_H8 @ 2006-08-08 12:44
mix it with a phasing hood and some De'Valos Sleeves and you got my happy crat.
Orichalcon @ 2006-08-10 14:21
The only problem is the over-dependency froob Engineers have for this thing. I can't wait until I can self-cast a Slayer so I can get this ugly thing off my back.
Ginsumaster @ 2006-08-16 11:21
Is this that light blue cloak with dark blue patches on the shoulders and sides that I see pretty much every TL4 nano prof wearing?
Vladja @ 2006-08-26 14:29
This white cloak feels surprisingly comfortable despite it's cold appearance.
It's not white, it's blue O.o
Sarouka @ 2006-08-27 10:30
fordanukey @ 2005-01-23 03:43
i assume its nodrop you you need to raise the skills and make it yourself if not let me know please

have to have complit. the bio com+heart can be done by your local doctor or some other skiller with enough chemisty.
gdb2222 @ 2007-12-02 01:10
The bio-comminutor gets used up in the process, so use one around the min ql.
Incomplete @ 2009-12-27 02:51
Ginsumaster @ 2006-08-16 11:21
Is this that light blue cloak with dark blue patches on the shoulders and sides that I see pretty much every TL4 nano prof wearing?

No that's this:
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