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Item Database - Pit Demon Spit

Pit Demon Spit Icon #154417 Cabbage-smelling as it is, the venom contains neurotoxins and cardiotoxins. Neurotoxins cause damage to the nervous system, such as parts of the brain controlling motor functions, while cardiotoxins attack the heart. There are also signs of some strange bacteria in the fluid that you might be able to extract.
Flags Visible, Has Multiple Count
Can Carry
Patch 15.5
Change QL:
Value 500
Mass 0.2kg
fiwel @ 2004-07-04 06:58
anyone know what this is for ?
maam @ 2004-11-27 21:43
for wich kind of building is it?
Dandelion @ 2005-02-14 00:03
Combining with 1. Empty Stim and 2. Mimicking Cellular Oil gets you this
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