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Item Database - Lord of Lust

Lord of Lust Icon #244837 He knows what you desire.
Flags Visible, Modified Description, No Drop
Can Carry, Wear, Fling Shot
Patch 15.2
Change QL:
Type Weapon
Slot Right hand, Left hand
Value 1761000
Equip time 0.5s
Attack time 1s
Recharge time 1s
Range 25 m
Clip 100 - Bullets
Damage 75-350 (75) - Radiation AC
Attack rating cap 2500
Initiative skill Ranged init
Mass 2kg
Multi ranged 1750
Damage View this weapon in the Damage Calculator
Defense skills
Dodge ranged 100 %
Attack skills
Pistol 100 %
To Equip User Title level >= 6 and
User Pistol >= 2251 and
User Fling shot >= 1126
On Equip User Modify Sensory improvement 50  
User Modify Matter metamorphosis 50  
User Modify Biological metamorphosis 50  
Soulhuntress @ 2004-03-03 16:30
Ok so where do i get one?
Banansniffer @ 2004-05-05 10:48
im guessing all the Lord/Lady of **** drops off The Beast
Mantikoha @ 2004-12-01 23:06
Anyone who has experienced this weapon ...? Would like to know how good/bad it works
Volkanov @ 2005-09-21 23:56
Just by looking at the mods it looks very good to have. Damage is alright, not the best but have 2 and ur +100 nanoskills better off. High req, would take some twinking for a doc.
Limefire @ 2005-11-06 23:25
Horrible weapon, just like all the other Lord/Ladys
donger @ 2005-11-19 14:09
docs would find this impossible to get on, because of their lack of self pistol buffs, advys might have some fun with these but i doubt it since again the low min damage REALLY kills this weapon
SpartaN2 @ 2005-12-20 10:40
if you want to experince this weapon just attack a unicorn commander ^^
Gurudee @ 2006-07-25 10:14
With the right imps and some engie and soldier and trader love, I think this will be quite possible for a Doc to get on.
Keeping in out of OE once that love wears off, and you have your regular symbs back in is another matter entirely!
And looking at the damage calculator...I'm not sure it would be worth the effort.
Anyone have any recent data on how many points this thing goes for on RK1 raids?
Comi @ 2006-08-05 03:21
Buffs are kinda sweet for docs, wonder if theres one that uses this.
Stimpack @ 2007-04-04 03:23
1750 mr...nice....its for gm doc^^
Mohamad @ 2007-08-06 10:14
Actually, its for pistol adv's that want to self buff higher morph...
Onkelfabi @ 2008-02-06 13:59
simply sucks
Castaras @ 2009-07-06 21:48
Is cool now if you want to make a lust Xan pistoly thingy. *is good with technical language*
Pung @ 2011-03-03 01:40
this was free back in the day, which i looted more of them, now ppl offering 600m+ and 200m+ for upgrade.
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