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Item Database - Lord of Angst

Lord of Angst Icon #245082 His adversaries sleep uneasy.
Flags Visible, Modified Description, No Drop, Unique
Can Carry, Wear, Aimed Shot
Patch 15.2
Change QL:
Type Weapon
Slot Right hand
Equip time 0.5s
Attack time 3s
Recharge time 3s
Range 30 m
Clip 30 - Energy ammo
Damage 100-500 (100) - Poison AC
Attack rating cap 2500
Initiative skill Ranged init
Mass 5kg
Damage View this weapon in the Damage Calculator
Defense skills
Dodge ranged 100 %
Attack skills
Rifle 100 %
To Equip User Title level >= 6 and
User Rifle >= 2251 and
User Aimed shot >= 1126
On Equip User Modify Dodge ranged 60  
User Modify Concealment 120  
User Modify Offense modifier 30  
APathetik @ 2004-06-03 01:18
WHERE DOES THIS DROP? is it a heckler drop? Anyone know the best place to find it if it is?
Flink @ 2004-06-07 15:05
Sounds like it is a drop from the Best, hehe
so if this is true, you have all my best wishes, gl on getting it :)
Flink @ 2004-06-07 15:07
er.... >> the Beast <<
not the Best
APathetik @ 2004-08-05 05:23
Yes...thats where it time...damage is crap it seems...but have to try it out...time will tell
Keex @ 2004-10-18 12:43
Keep on Blablablaing ;)

Ok to sum up: This one dropps from "The Beast", the last Bossmob in Pandemonium. It dropps along with the ql299 "Lady of Angst". Since the dmg is crap when compared to jotR or alien rifles it is not that hard to get (when you make it to The Beast of course =)
Sypiken @ 2004-10-30 21:10
=P AStime is looooooow.
Morthoseth @ 2004-12-22 11:35
70 more minimum damage than the Longshot, 200 less crit, 1 second slower, and yet twice the skill. Once I can get that much rifle up, I'd personally rather use an Alien rifle. ::Thumbs down::
Xira @ 2007-05-16 14:42
Well, we can all agree that the beast doesnt drop very good weapons.
Dancingrage @ 2007-07-27 03:35
'Course not, he's only been hanging out at that giant "throne room" (read: Bathroom/Water Closet) for about 30,000 years AT A MINIMUM, naturally his weapons are gonna fall behind the times, especially with those busy beavers over at the Dreadloch weapons factory and the hard working Kyr'Ozch industrialists cranking out new and improved weapons almost 24/7
Shadow.ik @ 2007-08-30 12:47
Beast was before AI , that's the reason why Lady's and Lord's are worse than Kyr'ozch weaps , or ofab
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