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Item Database - Lord of Gluttony

Lord of Gluttony Icon #218714 His gifts come in excess.
Flags Visible, Modified Description, No Drop, Unique
Can Carry, Wear, No Ammo, Fast Attack, Brawl, Parry, Parriable
Patch 15.2
Change QL:
Type Weapon
Slot Right hand
Equip time 5s
Attack time 4s
Recharge time 4s
Range 4 m
Damage 200-600 (200) - Chemical AC
Attack rating cap 2500
Initiative skill Melee init
Mass 5kg
Damage View this weapon in the Damage Calculator
Defense skills
Evade close 100 %
Attack skills
2h Blunt 100 %
To Equip User Title level >= 6 and
User 2h Blunt >= 2251 and
User Fast attack >= 1126 and
User Brawl >= 1351
On Equip User Modify Max health 750  
User Modify NCU memory 30  
User Modify Defense modifier 30  
Taeglen @ 2004-06-07 00:05
not bad I guess... why someone would want to use this over Maul is beyond me though, and this is wayyyy harder to get.
Taeglen @ 2004-06-07 00:05
Star of Fortitude
Taeglen @ 2004-06-07 00:06
oops, sorry for that one ^^ :o
tremor @ 2004-08-16 12:14
this thing suxx, better get a maul of gwyddawg/menestyr
Sypiken @ 2004-11-14 04:40
CruisefiX @ 2005-09-23 02:08
...ever dropped ?
Cthulhu @ 2005-10-22 19:25
Shame this has never dropped :/
polluct @ 2007-07-20 22:30
i am relatively sure beast drops this one common -.- but noone wants
bartje @ 2008-05-16 23:00
Yeah, drops off the beast
Taristin @ 2010-06-21 22:00
Wish this didnt look like a giant meat tenderizer when you upgrade it :{
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