Ltes @ 2005-01-29 15:20
Where the heck does this drop?
zyx21 @ 2005-01-30 00:43
Gemini. In pande.
jeff123 @ 2005-11-01 19:25
good for pvp...
Loethlin @ 2006-09-06 21:12
i want it sooooo badly.... not enough points yet, though.
tr33g @ 2008-06-12 15:14
Useless after alba and new DB utils.
Vabla2 @ 2008-08-05 03:55
Yep. Even if it has one of the best names ever. Even if I prefer evades over AAD. Even if I was so happy when I first got it. Even if it's still in my "I'll miss you" bag T_T
josh3353 @ 2008-09-23 02:23
What's these new DB utils?
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