herodotus2 @ 2003-10-20 17:56
Purchased from the "Wandering Metalworker" at the Yutto's camp 1055 1523 : Penmubra Forest ( West ). Cost... alot :D 14 mill
Sparegris @ 2003-12-15 09:37
Lies ^_^
Well , enough CL and i got QL 218 for 11.1 Mill now :)
Crashlight @ 2004-02-03 11:19
Cost of YuttoNCUs depends on, hmmm i think i heard it is, psychic? Or CL like all other? Then find a Trader to buy it... In my Org 220 cost betwen 11-13m
beerbelly @ 2004-03-13 13:47
shop terminal=cl
ezekeel @ 2004-06-15 00:39
Ezekeel: Wer kann mir sagen wo ich Yutto's Modified NCU QL 160 finden kann ?
Fluke @ 2004-06-22 20:30
Kannst du nicht english gesprechen?
And you cant get other ql than 200-220 as far as I know. Thats the range the Yutto's sell them in.
cripo @ 2004-07-19 02:27
never heard about that, beerbelly. but CL does effect the cost of these yuttos ncus
Sypiken @ 2004-11-17 10:34
/me want a pair of QL 160 ones TL 4 req =P
Demonatrix @ 2006-01-07 20:50
beerbelly is right, terminals are affected by CL, NPC's are psychology.
-Computer Literacy
This skill defines your character's ability to communicate programs, computers and AIs.
Defines your character's ability to communicate and persuade people you meet (not other players).
meric @ 2006-02-17 06:17
so the "wandering metalworker" must be some kind of machinery cause the price of the ncus is _definitely_ dependent on your comp lit skill
4n7H0r @ 2006-03-23 23:47
>Kannst du nicht english gesprechen?<
did you use a translator? ^,^
Freyda @ 2006-07-22 22:55
has anybody yet to find a ql160-179 Yutto's NCU yet (if they dont drop ingame thats gonna SUCK they would be uber nice NCU's for tl4 range)
wooshell @ 2006-08-09 18:20
Yuttos NCU currently are ingame only in 200-220, sold at the merchant in Penumbra. And the Yuttos are affected by CL, not psychology. Funcom b0rked that up.. so rather ask a trader to shop for you, not a crat.
AlphaCenta @ 2006-09-14 22:02
wooshell.. Or maybe Yutto's are some kind of robots (at least they do sound like them imo :-p) but yes ask a high level trader to buy, he can nibble a few mills off ;-)
AlphaCenta @ 2007-05-10 10:39
And FYI, new Spirit Infused Yutto's Modified NCU has no TL req :p Plus it has more NCU, 1 critdecrease, and more treatment buff. Find 'em either in Penumbra from the same guy that sells the regular ones (QL200-220), or tradeskill your own QL300's with the new Albtraum stuff.
Dalek @ 2007-07-20 03:15
^^ Not anymore..
tuto @ 2008-04-22 12:06
For all who are looking for ql 160 version: it can be obtained by doing adonis brain quest. Unconfirmed info is, that ql 160 goes for 30 mil on rimor.
AOmaster @ 2009-06-15 22:16
Yes, the QL160 ones are from the Ado brain symbiant quest. And can confirm they sell for 25mil+ on RK1, obviously for the twink value.
Zolarix @ 2010-12-17 21:13
Lol Fluke you kinda said "Can you not said english."
xyz123abc @ 2011-12-09 06:21
With 1972 Computer Literacy: QL201 costs 8.6M and QL213 costs 9M at store <- thank slarti/sundri