Dokalicious @ 2004-08-30 21:48
User Strength >= 1276 and
User Agility >= 1276 and
User Sense >= 1276 and
Gaiaterra @ 2006-02-26 14:47
Can anyone ever get QL300 symbs on?
sugaholic @ 2006-09-17 21:33
map nav, YES
killy666 @ 2006-12-01 01:33
220/30 ppl with a perk reset and some buffing stuff can. It's a pain though
Jahf @ 2007-02-01 10:17
{ost-LE 220/25 troxdocs can get this in. If they are weird. And have too much time on their hands.
AlphaCenta @ 2007-06-05 15:16
lol hyde =)
Mohamed @ 2008-08-11 06:22
Treatment is a pain but a lot of symbiants have more complicated abilities to reach
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