Dead66 @ 2003-11-01 21:04
any one got this yet?
ikasama @ 2003-12-08 12:37
I want to see
ShacklerIII @ 2004-02-08 22:46
lookssame as other bodyguards , sigh
Dead66 @ 2004-02-10 04:52
do you have it shackler?
DDono @ 2004-02-13 02:44
It does not look like other bodyguards, it is black with a yellow sword (looks like a borg body with a knight type head). It is the best looking pet I've seen yet.
Sebres @ 2004-02-25 02:53
Looking very nice. Big black Borg, wearing Immortal katana.
corny @ 2004-03-28 00:24
i seen it(used) with a buff from frend it looks nice
Ebrian @ 2004-06-10 15:46
Wow this is one sharp looking pet!!
Peanut @ 2004-06-26 05:21
i would agree with u there this pet looks real slick
jesse01 @ 2004-07-19 15:27
hows the dmg?
tsujigiri @ 2004-08-05 02:45
dmg is supposed to be not very good, esp for an endgame pet
Decimatus @ 2004-09-09 00:09
A crat I know said it was doing something like 700 damage on high lvl mobs the mercs. Probably does better on other mobs, but I can't imagine it to be anything special.
Serturos @ 2004-10-13 15:45
The damage is around 600-800 depending on the mob, faster than the old 200 pet, and has a nicer amount of HP, but still sucks considering the name thay gave this guy, BUT hey what the TED a decent 204+ engi pet and your good to go ^^
Darksiner @ 2005-01-31 06:01
this pet looks sharp for such little damage *sigh
deadly @ 2005-02-24 18:49
yeah FC should bring out a new pet a 220 one i expected AI to bring a 220 pet for crats but i gues not :'(
anisherl @ 2005-03-18 03:46
The 220 pet u expected will be up at next patch :) I hope he is much strong then the 220 pet from engi and MP.I'm also wondering how he looks :)
DivineKing @ 2005-04-12 17:02
It probally wont do as much damage as the engi/mp 220 pets, because Crats relay on charming other enemies for damage.
But I sure hope its a way cool skin and now some stupid chicken bot or green pig :)
anisherl @ 2005-04-19 06:54
lol divine :D (green pig) :)
bongbong @ 2005-05-02 17:54
DivineKing, funny but true, the 220 engi bot is imressive but man it looks horrid and sort of perverted at the same time, and the originality of a Mortig he reminds me of Quasimodo....
Kenzor @ 2005-08-04 07:16
why do you think crats are able to charm mobs ?!
Pooncrat @ 2005-08-08 01:04
what am i supposed to charm at TG to wack on the clammies, DK's pet when he zones :P
Bluetape @ 2005-11-22 15:27
They did come out with a 220 pet for crats. Oh look, it comes with a half hour timer so you can only summon it once every half hour for if it dies. OH, and it takes the place of your charm, so if you summon this and it dies, you can't charm something to replace it. Yeah, Way to go FC.
tegrere @ 2005-11-27 22:42
thats the carlos pet bluetape :P
shibbi @ 2006-01-07 23:33
lmao point being the carlo pet owns all other high end pet in the face. ive yet to see carlo being beat by the widowmaker or the rihwen.
Malaxia @ 2006-02-15 20:47
This pet is just a bit better than the lvl 200 pet in SL, because his min damage is a bit over the lvl 200 pet min damage (around 700). But the max damage is much higher, making him crit for 3k on RK mobs. So it's a good pet for RK farming (dynas, etc) although he is nothing compared to a lvl 250 charmed infernal vortexoid... Oh and btw, he use melee and rad damage (from blade), so expect to see lower hits on shielded bosses... wtb Summon Infernal Vortexoid pst
Scain @ 2006-04-23 11:22
Search the item database : "Associate" , there u will find the 220 cratpet Carlo Pinetti
Mannystk @ 2006-08-13 20:27
Id just like to say, Carlo Pinetti...zomg!!- seen him at CoH with Malaxia, does like 7kcrits and stuff, Damn awesome and he looks uber ^^ - Love to See Carlo V 220 Mortiig/Chicken
docburlac @ 2006-09-15 10:17
did u ever seen Carlo fighting in pvp ? i saw it fighting with a 1hb lvl 218 enfo. the enfo survived around 20 sec.
Whitelights @ 2006-10-18 17:07
Carlo is sick!
Yakobo66 @ 2006-11-14 19:48
Carlo pwns everything lol, want to see how long the beast lasts vs him... (the lvl250 omni guards were hitting hi m for about 400)
charmo @ 2007-06-04 11:44
This pet is now about 2x better due to the new buffs :P
Dumbarajko @ 2007-06-05 14:18
pls say the names of the "new" buffs
anisherl @ 2007-07-04 10:08
Corporate Strategy -
Add. Energy Dam. 500
Add. Proj. Dam. 500
Add. Melee Dam. 500
Add. Rad. Dam. 500
Add. Chem. Dam. 500
Add. Poison Dam. 500
Add. Fire Dam. 500
Add. Cold Dam. 500
Add All Off 600
fixertime @ 2007-08-02 23:18
For Corporate Strategy, it's "Nano Crystal - Augments the combat abilities of the bureaucrat's robotic assistant to greatly improve its offensive abilities for a short period. "....does that mean that since Carlo is in the charm line, you can't buff him with it, just this guy? :-(
Yakobo66 @ 2007-10-01 11:56
yeah, only this bot, be a bit unfair with carlo and this buff...
alesicis @ 2007-10-25 03:09
from what i understand, the 2 endgame crat pets now own both engi and mp. and even better with carlo being easier to cast
Muank @ 2010-07-07 02:37
Looks like 29408 hp. :)
taipan @ 2010-11-18 23:15
How is the situation now before rebalance? I heard that Rihwen wins Carlo and Chicken easily?
Seraduxos @ 2012-10-14 03:56
Rihwen beats Carlo or Chichen, but Carlo + COE or Chicken + Dog beats Rihwen by far.
shaynd @ 2018-07-05 05:10
you can buy this from pande garden