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Item Database - Burst of Speed of the PredatorDuring Fight

Burst of Speed of the PredatorDuring Fight Icon #16246 Monster_Effect_Nano - item:230699
Flags Item Texture Override, Buff Nano, Want Collision, Illegal Clan
Can Carry
Patch 15.0.1 15.0.2 15.0.7
NCU 999
Nanocost 0
School Psionic: 617
Duration 6 seconds
Range 20 m
Effect icon Icon 16765
Stacking order 1
On End Nano User Cast Burst of Speed of the PredatorWait for attack  
if In battle == 0  and
NPC hatelist size == 0  
User Cast Burst of Speed of the PredatorDuring Fight  
if In battle >= 1  or
NPC hatelist size >= 1  
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