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Item Database - Siphon Box

Siphon Box Icon #239201 The effect of this Special is a pet lifetap pro
Recharge, 3 minutes
Can Use, Apply Friendly
Patch 15.0.1 16.0 18.8.53
Change QL:
Type Perk action
Value 1
Attack time 5s
Range 6 m
Mass 0kg
To Use User Gadgeteer 7 trained and
User Gadgeteer 7 not locked and
Target Breed == Human and
Target NPC type == 95
On Use Chat Text You successfully perform Siphon Box.  
Target Cast Affected by Siphon Life  
Target Cast Siphon Box  
if Gadgeteer 7 trained  and
Gadgeteer 8 not trained  
Target Cast Siphon Box  
if Gadgeteer 8 trained  and
Gadgeteer 9 not trained  
Target Cast Siphon Box  
if Gadgeteer 9 trained  and
Gadgeteer 10 not trained  
Target Cast Siphon Box  
if Gadgeteer 10 trained  
User Lock Gadgeteer 7 180s  
Kinsijala @ 2005-09-06 15:35
What does it make??
slytha @ 2005-11-11 14:53
i guess it increase the proc chance and so the pets can tank better than before
slytha @ 2005-11-11 14:55
and the pet gets a lifetap ;)
houserocker @ 2019-08-17 09:16
This perk is finally fixed, it works after zoning and they also improved the damage range.

Fully buffed and trimmed at 220, the proc does a minimum damage of 752 with 20% chance. This is roughly equivalent to having a +150 damage buff on your bot at all times. (i.e., it's good!). It also provides ~1400 hp/min in healing (not that noticeable, but still nice).
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