Metroid @ 2006-03-21 21:03
Pen/Inf redeemed and unredeemed mobs drop these.
unlike the garden insignias, you can get both Faithful and Chosen insignias from either side. Chosen insignias can be traded for Faithfuls in inferno redeemed temple, and vice-verca
Dumbarajko @ 2007-05-04 20:47
heheh, you can buy one for 500k and sell it for 20m << been there, done that
coolx @ 2007-07-12 13:38
where do you trade the insignia for the other side version? I've run all over inferno can't find anybody who wan't to trade it, just eat it.
Onkelfabi @ 2008-12-12 22:56
Eccleast Gal Ilad inside redeemed temple (inf) will trade it. head upstairs and to north room.
gdahl @ 2011-01-04 15:52
Prophet Abad Mord in unredeemed temple in inf trades you this for an Insignia of the Faithful.
He's in the left room (very big fellow).
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