Xeo @ 2006-03-19 03:33
how much damage at brawl 500? 1000? 1500?
wooshell @ 2006-07-24 19:03
always the same 30-56
Ilikebunnies @ 2007-02-03 03:14
I doubt it always does 30-56. That would be completely useless. I think "attackerSpecialHit" = it depends on your attack skill (maybe brawl in this case?).
Sweetchutney @ 2007-02-26 18:41
These low perks tend to just be for starting off a chain of other ones... not for damage individually
Ilikebunnies @ 2007-05-05 07:46
Actually this one doesn't seem to start any chains.
Although if you search for "Charge" you'll find a few more versions, indicating that this does scale according to skills. Highest is:
Attacker SpecialHit Health Melee -330 .. -2612
(although even that might be based on attack skill and could go higher.. not sure how "specialHit" works)
Ganiwar @ 2011-12-11 22:12
with 2100 brawl it hits for an amazing 174. Always.
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