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Item Database - Nano Crystal (Bail Out)

Nano Crystal (Bail Out) Icon #12259 Nano Crystal - Will increase Runspeed and Criticaldecrease on the caster with massive amounts for a short period of time. When the Nano times out, the caster will have his NanoAC and Defensemodifiers debuffed for a short period. His Treatment and First Aid will also drop. This nanoformula is typical good to use in situations where you need to escape from something or someone.
Flags Visible, Modified Description, Tell Collision, Has Energy
Can Carry, Use, Eat
Patch 15.0.1 15.4 18.8.53
Change QL:
Value 86769
Energy 1
Mass 0.1kg
To Use User Psychological modifications >= 361 and
User Sensory improvement >= 361 and
User Profession == Agent and
User Specialization & First and
User Level >= 60 and
User Expansion sets & Shadowlands
On Use User Upload Bail Out  
dumyx @ 2004-02-01 02:50
nice one
estboy @ 2004-05-15 12:59
im getting this for sure :D
cpcpcp1 @ 2005-04-05 02:31
not very good imo, duration too short and after that meh. try bailing before u need this instead :p
bomsen @ 2005-07-06 14:03
This should have a higher duration than 10sec :)
woody2 @ 2005-07-09 09:23
where do we get this from?
swifty @ 2005-08-25 17:53
Scheol gardens
philip @ 2005-10-24 10:51
5 second attack time? at lvl 60 your not gonna instcast this and bail out of anywhere. useless under fp too.
Yakobo66 @ 2006-08-25 19:31
... get a viral compiler and say that
Terrif @ 2008-04-01 11:00
good for totw twink
Terrif @ 2008-04-10 14:26
so you can use it for 5 sec and then you are unable to do it again for 4 min because of the cooldown ? sorry but i don't understand what's good on this nano...
Lazy @ 2008-06-18 23:22
this nano saved my butt alot at tiigs.

Doc dies, enfo dies, i bail out, and whole team leaves

Blindsword @ 2010-06-19 08:07
this needs like a 15 second time time.. but a -40% damage or something... let you fun far away, but not worth attacking anything while running.
FirePaw @ 2010-08-02 20:38
DrDecoy @ 2010-08-20 01:15
where do i get this nano guys,
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