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Item Database - Handle-Shaped Gofle Toe Bone

Handle-Shaped Gofle Toe Bone Icon #130862 This is a toe bone from the gofle species called a 'Beit Gras'. It looks like a handle.
You can use this bone to create a proper 'Bone Handle' - that is used for making swords or daggers. To do that you need to collect one additional component, a 'Snake Bile.
Once you have both components you can combine them in the following way:
- Pick up the 'Snake Bile' onto your cursor.
- Press down the 'Shift' key on your keyboard and left-click the 'Snake Bile' on top of the 'Handle-Shaped Gofle Toe Bone'.
You will receive a message and some experience, and you will end up with an item called a 'Bone Handle'.
To make a sword or dagger with the 'Bone Handle' you will have to find a 'Spider Shank' for a sword, or a 'Silvertail Horn' for a dagger.
Flags Visible
Can Carry
Patch 15.0.1
Change QL:
Type Armor
Slot Legs
Value 1500
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