18.8.62 | Live servers: 18.8.62

Item Database - Devastating Blow

Devastating Blow Icon #239073 The effect of this Special is a high direct damage
Recharge, 30 seconds
Can Use, Apply Target
Patch 15.0.1 15.6.1 17.8 18.1 18.1.2 18.8.53
Change QL:
Type Armor
Value 1
Attack time 1s
Range 5 m
Mass 0kg
Defense skills
Evade close 75 %
Attack skills
1h Blunt 100 %
To Use User Blunt Mastery 10 trained and
User Blunt Mastery 10 not locked and
User 690 & 64 and
User 1-Handed Blunt Focus running
On Use Chat Text You successfully perform a Devastating Blow attack.  
Target Cast Affected by Devastating Blow  
User Lock Blunt Mastery 10 30s  
Target SpecialHit Health -992 .. -1983  
On Failure User Lock Blunt Mastery 10 15s  
Kyai @ 2005-12-25 16:27
The perk is a royal pain in the arse to land, but when it does land it does some very nice damage.
Yakobo66 @ 2006-12-13 14:46
uuuh how hard to land... 50% check :|
aminenf @ 2006-12-21 01:24
because you have to have the stun effect from bring the pain running, which si 100% check
Ilikebunnies @ 2007-02-02 02:04
"Bring the Pain" doesn't have any attack or deffense skills though, which implies that it always lands.
zerogates @ 2007-04-05 01:42
The stun itself has to hit likebunnies, which if you read through does have a check to whether it hits.
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