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Item Database - Seppuku Slash

Seppuku Slash Icon #239105 Special will be more efficient the lower the health of the target is.
The effect of this Special is a high direct damage
Recharge, 95 seconds
Can Use, Apply Target
Patch 15.0.1 15.6.1 17.8 18.8.53
Change QL:
Type Armor
Value 1
Attack time 0.5s
Range 5 m
Mass 0kg
Defense skills
Evade close 100 %
Attack skills
Attack modifier 100 %
To Use User Street Samurai 9 trained and
User Street Samurai 9 not locked and
User Wielded weapons not & Melee and
User Affected by Seppuku Slash not running
On Use Chat Text You successfully perform a Seppuku Slash attack.  
Target Cast Affected by Seppuku Slash  
User Lock Street Samurai 9 95s  
Target SpecialHit Health -4009 .. -8909  
if Percentage of health >= 15  and
Percentage of health <= 50  
Target SpecialHit Health -5345 .. -11877  
if Percentage of health <= 14  
Target SpecialHit Health -2004 .. -4454  
if Percentage of health >= 71  
Target SpecialHit Health -3006 .. -6681  
if Percentage of health >= 51  and
Percentage of health <= 70  
On Failure User Lock Street Samurai 9 48s  
madness300 @ 2006-05-30 05:52
Not the best perk ever, but not the worst either. It's easy to time the execution of the perk on mobs that have big hp bars. Then again, the extra damage is not really not that noticeable (hits for about 6-7k on inferno mission mobs, 7-10k on lvl 200'ish RK mobs). Haven't really tried it in PvP.
Yakobo66 @ 2006-06-28 19:11
hehe your comlaining about 7k more damage every 95 secs? ^^
donger @ 2006-08-06 23:16
If you can get your opponent to less than 50% this could be once heck of an alpha tool oO
humberic @ 2006-11-02 15:51
Nice seeing both land on an agent as he tries to get away, landed on doc too, both for finishing blow, exact dmg i forget but was quite a bit, esp since the doc healed somehow the exact sec it landed and both attacks of this landed, and yes it lands 2 sometimes O_o
khalan @ 2007-02-02 19:04
You hit Veteran Engineer with nanobots for 6300 points of melee damage.
You hit Veteran Engineer with nanobots for 11115 points of melee damage.
You successfully perform a Seppuku Slash attack.

That's what I got with one perk.
buttmuffin @ 2007-08-09 19:30
maybe the first hit takes them to 14% and then the second lands?
Vxrniss @ 2007-11-10 22:00
I think so Muffin... thats how its working for me... if the first damage part gets target below 15% the 2nd damage part will blow in too
Luzifer1985 @ 2008-02-10 14:15
You hit Migina with nanobots for 3148 points of melee damage.
You hit Migina with nanobots for 3951 points of melee damage.
Nice for finishing in pvp :D
Mohamed @ 2008-06-15 04:44
They fixed the perk, it checks for under 15% first now
Vxrniss @ 2008-07-09 02:38
Freaking gay fix... ffs
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