defuz1980 @ 2006-02-08 23:47
Cannot use this perk as an agent. Need triangulate running, a perk found in heavy ranged, soldier line. Dunno what FC is smoking.
Tarradax @ 2006-03-02 13:29
Guess the keyword here is "Teamwork"... There's several of those perks specials that require another prof's special to run. Seems a total bust so far.
minusa @ 2006-04-08 14:52
User Wielded weapons not & Rifle
Lol... You also must de-equip your rifle to succeed...
3shit @ 2006-05-03 15:08
means u have to have a Rifle equiped ( Rifle ), but u can use it also with nothing equiped ( not )
Rastaman @ 2006-06-28 02:49
wtb Nano Crystal (Mimic Perks) ;p
Chickendicer @ 2009-01-28 13:33
now perk works without having triangulate running but it would make the perk more efficient
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