SladerExodus @ 2004-09-28 07:07
whats up with these ones that require different prof's specials to be running? why would I invest in a perk if it only works sometimes?
Venderim @ 2006-11-24 22:40
Yeah and my top perk from power-up line - power combo - requires this to be running on the target....and this requires Sabotage Quark Field to be running...that is really lame FC, and don't say "well team with the right people then" coz timing all the perks to run one after the other will be almost impossible in a hard fight.
lpx @ 2006-12-30 15:04
this might be a really effective tool for mp's in pvp.. our nsd nearly never lands.. at least with this mc100% vs nr100% we have a very good chance of landing it and getting our nsd back.. and a nice dmg to boot.. but no we have to be ganking with a eng or something.. this perk action is damn near worthless except for the 1 out of a million situations it would be useful.. and guess what? i dont spend my valuable perk based around perfect lala land conditions. no amount of bitching will ever get this fixed.
Ats @ 2009-01-12 20:54
I think this perk's damage is affected by nano damage efficiency %
Binarybot @ 2012-03-03 07:31
SpecialHit means its scaled (like weapons) based on your attack skill. More MC = more damage
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