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Item Database - Perennium Bolts

Perennium Bolts Icon #205538 Perennium is fantastic material that is almost possible to break. That also makes it almost impossible to shape into anything by normal means. The ancients used sheets of it to cover their fortresses, and kept it together with perennium bolts.
Flags Visible
Can Carry, Stackable
Patch 15.0.1 15.7
Change QL:
Value 3000
jjglitch @ 2005-03-27 05:06
are these for making perennium guns? lol dumb question right?
Msauss @ 2006-02-28 12:45
i haven't found ql 1s...but found ql 7 ones...alhtough they are useless because the lowest ql nano charged rifle is ql 50 :(
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