DS187 @ 2005-07-29 17:25
Weapon Bash is teh suq.
Oswood @ 2005-09-10 21:05
What is this good for? I find it useless.
skybert @ 2005-09-14 09:50
4 second stun?
triggerzer0 @ 2005-11-14 10:16
it's good for alphaing docs :)
and the stun breaks when you hit them again
Xeo @ 2006-03-14 14:09
is it good right after FA?
& I can't understand stun chance?
Venderim @ 2006-03-15 19:58
The biggest problem I have with PvP is the reload after a FA shot, so with this you can FA then use this perk to stun the opponent and you can reload during the stun time....assuming it actually achieves the stun.
Necosileo @ 2006-04-10 18:44
Xeo, the stun chance is basically 9%.
multicore @ 2006-06-11 00:43
even witht the low chance its still a good bonus when it stuns :)
Tarradax @ 2008-08-05 15:44
This would be nice if the stun chance would math in weapon mass - Even the new guns have that entry, so might as well use it for something...
Twinkaholic @ 2011-12-01 00:59
5% defense check makes it a good anti evade perk at low levels... not enough damage at higher levels to matter that much
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