randin @ 2005-10-21 23:13
Lol Ranged energy vs Dodge ranged... uh... lol
Venderim @ 2006-07-28 00:55
Makes sense as this perk line is effectively a ranged energy buff line, don't see how it should matter in PvM or indeed PvP if someone has a high RE skill like a soldier, my whinge is at the measly 139-257 damage.
docburlac @ 2006-09-11 09:54
wrong. this perk hits ado hecks (im a fixer, lvl 161, SPBeamer, around 1200 smg) with 3800/4200 dmg. so, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE !!!
Venderim @ 2006-09-12 16:21
Well I dunno what I am doing wrong beacuse I can never get this perk to do more than 700 damage, granted the later ones such as power blast and power shock do a few K but not this one.
Whitelights @ 2006-10-09 12:34
useing in pvp or pvm?
Venderim @ 2006-11-08 14:42
PvM, and at lvl 210 and 1800 ranged energy skill the most I've ever hit on this perk is about 1200. Like I said the later ones like power shock I can do well over 4k but not this one :)
Anrchistpimp @ 2007-05-15 20:58
Ok i trained this perkline up for some xtra add damage, but i cant even get this perk to land on the bartender..... I'm guessing since I dont use RE and this is a RE perkline that is my problem eh? If so this sucks because it only stats u need to be "ranged" to land the perk but whatever.
Gurudee @ 2007-05-23 09:54
You train this perkline for the damage boost from energize.
The other dmg perks are nice little bonuses, if you have a high enough RE skill to get them to land.
If you dont, they wont. Just that simple.
AOmaster @ 2009-06-15 23:49
Anrchistpimp @ 2007-05-15 20:58
"...If so this sucks because it only stats u need to be "ranged" to land the perk but whatever."
User Wielded weapons & Ranged means you need to be using a ranged weapon.
docburlac @ 2006-09-11 09:54
"wrong. this perk hits ado hecks (im a fixer, lvl 161, SPBeamer, around 1200 smg) with 3800/4200 dmg."
Gonna have to call bullsh1t on this one, no way are you hitting ado hecks for 3.8-4.2k damage with power volley at lvl161. Like Venderim said, you're probably confusing Power Volley with one of the higher ones like power blast/combo.
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