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Item Database - Unsealed Pestilence

Unsealed Pestilence Icon #239139 Special requires Capture Essence to already run
It will be more efficient if target is already running Bloodletting
The effect of this Special is a nanopoints and HP damage over time
Duration, 30 seconds
Recharge, 25 seconds
Can Use, Apply Target
Patch 15.0.1 15.6.1 17.7 17.8 17.9
Change QL:
Type Perk action
Value 1
Attack time 1s
Range 10 m
Mass 0kg
Defense skills
Evade close 100 %
Attack skills
Piercing 100 %
To Use User Spirit Phylactery 5 trained and
User Spirit Phylactery 5 not locked and
User Performed Capture Essence running and
User Wielded weapons not & Piercing and
User Affected by Capture Essence running
On Use Chat Text You successfully perform an Unsealed Pestilence attack.  
Attacker Cast Affected by Unsealed Pestilence  
Attacker Cast Unsealed Pestilence  
User Cast Performed Unsealed Pestilence  
User Lock Spirit Phylactery 5 25s  
On Failure User Lock Spirit Phylactery 5 13s  
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