Tirean @ 2004-02-18 20:37
Im confusing, ive just see this pant but in Omni only version, they we re loot by the eclsesiat Cama lux at Penumbra Redeemed temple, but since its OT version where does i look for the Clanner's one ?
blackraider @ 2004-02-26 02:14
The clanner version drops at the unred temple in penumbra they are called "Carlos's Danger Pants"
Talan @ 2005-01-31 21:59
These actually drop off the Empath Allyssas in the Penumbra Redeemed temple, not The Eclsesiat. And damn do they ever look sweet! For once a nice pair of pants with good stats that don't look horrible!
Mudkest @ 2005-06-10 18:52
tirean, you rahter had omni pants drop of omni mobs so you have to bork up your faction to get it? ;)
donger @ 2006-04-23 02:20
these pants roxx the soxx for fixers, why can carlo's pants be this good =(?
Ephyon @ 2007-11-27 09:16
Pretty sure the Carlo's pants has the exact same stats (Didn't check AC's) ^^
Zinrax @ 2008-04-18 16:52
These should add pistol aswell as smg. Dont really see to many smg weilding advy's atm, ill still grab a pair for the other nice mods ^^
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