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Item Database - Allyssas' Swift Pants

Allyssas' Swift Pants Icon #13288 Another wonder of spiritech. These pants are rather new, made recently from knowledge gained from the Tree of Memories - the last of the First Trees.
Flags Visible, Has Multiple Count, No Drop, Unique, Has Damage, Disable Statel Collision
Can Carry, Wear
Patch 15.0.1 18.8.53
Change QL:
Type Armor
Slot Legs
Equip time 0.1s
Mass 9kg
To Equip User Profession == Soldier or
User Profession == Fixer or
User Profession == Adventurer and
User Agility >= 550 and
User Sense >= 500 and
User Faction not == Clan and
User Title level >= 5 and
User Expansion sets & Shadowlands
On Equip User Texture Legs 9622  
User Modify Max health 200  
User Modify Projectile AC 850  
User Modify Melee AC 750  
User Modify Energy AC 750  
User Modify Chemical AC 750  
User Modify Radiation AC 650  
User Modify Cold AC 750  
User Modify Poison AC 750  
User Modify Fire AC 750  
User Modify Smg 20  
User Modify Burst 10  
User Modify Run speed 30  
User Modify Nano resist 20  
Tirean @ 2004-02-18 20:37
Im confusing, ive just see this pant but in Omni only version, they we re loot by the eclsesiat Cama lux at Penumbra Redeemed temple, but since its OT version where does i look for the Clanner's one ?
blackraider @ 2004-02-26 02:14
The clanner version drops at the unred temple in penumbra they are called "Carlos's Danger Pants"
Talan @ 2005-01-31 21:59
These actually drop off the Empath Allyssas in the Penumbra Redeemed temple, not The Eclsesiat. And damn do they ever look sweet! For once a nice pair of pants with good stats that don't look horrible!
Mudkest @ 2005-06-10 18:52
tirean, you rahter had omni pants drop of omni mobs so you have to bork up your faction to get it? ;)
donger @ 2006-04-23 02:20
these pants roxx the soxx for fixers, why can carlo's pants be this good =(?
Ephyon @ 2007-11-27 09:16
Pretty sure the Carlo's pants has the exact same stats (Didn't check AC's) ^^
Zinrax @ 2008-04-18 16:52
These should add pistol aswell as smg. Dont really see to many smg weilding advy's atm, ill still grab a pair for the other nice mods ^^
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