moragen @ 2004-06-14 21:49
This cloak does feel nice on a lobie Agent... EHEM! Trader! I meant Trader... Wanna wrangle? Um... Er... <looking around, then slinking off>
djmalo @ 2004-08-16 08:15
djmalo @ 2004-08-16 08:15
Bhurano @ 2004-08-20 21:45
I got one just north of the Unredeemed Village in Nascense off a random mob.
Epeiox @ 2005-01-16 18:08
Drops off random mobs in Nascence, the droprate is rather high
Mergai @ 2005-05-29 04:35
Not impressed. Besides a small bonus to trades it's not very good.
Unredeemed @ 2006-02-01 20:15
It's actually really lame....just pay someone to take you to the exarchs and get a robe
OICW @ 2006-05-29 03:22
Well first of the totw robes have level req and are thus unsuitable for realy low level twinks. Besides i used this as a nice twinking item to equip cure for baldness on my low doc a little earlyer.
Yakobo66 @ 2006-07-22 02:10
yeah you can get 150 intel/psy before level 21 hehe
zerogates @ 2007-01-21 05:32
you can, i do it frequently
look up an item called shades of luc makes 150 int psy pretty easy
Terrif @ 2008-03-26 12:11
good at lvl 15, some dodge some ac, not bad to wear and not hard to put on, juste some implants and it go easy...
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