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Item Database - Empowered Wandering Mind

Empowered Wandering Mind Icon #46271 If successful, the target will not enter combat unless it is attacked first. There is also an additional chance that you may completely wipe the targets hatelist if your target fills certain requirements.
Flags Can Be Template Item, Open Flag, Item Texture Override, Buff Nano
Patch 15.0.1 15.5.5 17.5 18.8.53
QL 203
Crystal Nano Crystal (Empowered Wandering Mind)
NCU 51
Nanocost 559
School Combat: Calm
Duration 1 minute, 40 seconds
Attack time 6.1s (capped at 1s)
Recharge time 3s
Range 22 m
Chance of break on attack 100
Chance of break on debuff 0
Chance of break on nano 100
Effect icon Icon 46256
Stacking order 51
Defense skills
Nano resist 100 %
Attack skills
Sensory improvement 50 %
Psychological modifications 50 %
To Use User Psychological modifications >= 1285 and
User Sensory improvement >= 1285 and
User Profession == Bureaucrat and
User Expansion sets & Shadowlands and
User Level >= 195 and
User Specialization & Third
On Use Target Modify Melee init -2200  
Target Modify Ranged init -2200  
Target Modify Physical init -2200  
Target Modify Nano init -2200  
Float Text What am I doing here?  
if Last random roll <= 91  and
Level >= 215  and
Level <= 280  and
Last random roll <= 25  
Target Restrict Action Fighting, Movement  
if NPC type >= 1  
Target Pacify  
Target Wipe Hate list  
if Random roll <= 91  and
Level >= 215  and
Level <= 280  and
Last random roll <= 25  
cleo22 @ 2005-02-08 11:32
The same...
Ciekafsky @ 2008-05-17 12:24
No, its not. Duration is longer and that helps a lot especially when you are soloing a lot. Imho this nano is the first one worth uying after nanos with 25/50 lvl lock because you start soloing at lvl 195+ due to first good charm that will allow you to charm outdoor inf mobs.
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