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Item Database - Assauge Pain

Assauge Pain Icon #44235 Heals the target of 1133-1533 points damage.
Flags Modified Description, Disable Statel Collision
Patch 15.0.1 15.0.2 15.5.4 18.8.53
QL 201
Crystal Nano Crystal (Assauge Pain)
NCU 50
Nanocost 254
School Healing
Attack time 7.5s
Recharge time 4s
Range 25 m
Effect icon Icon 44236
Stacking order 50
Attack skills
Biological metamorphosis 52 %
Matter metamorphosis 48 %
To Use User Biological metamorphosis >= 1196 and
User Matter metamorphosis >= 1196 and
User Profession == Doctor and
User Level >= 201 and
User Specialization & Fourth and
User Expansion sets & Shadowlands and
Target Expansion sets & Shadowlands
On Use Target Hit Health 1133 .. 1533  
Target Cast Assauge Pain  
if Level >= 195  
Jeff120 @ 2005-10-07 13:51
Jeff120 @ 2005-10-07 22:41
heals for 3k
stanton @ 2005-10-26 14:14
At 201 u have can have up to specialist healer 7 trained + CFB in u want gives a total of 16% heal mod. Therefore this nano heals for ((1133+1533)/2+1300)*1.16 = 3054.28 on average :)

Ideally if your instacasting thats 763.57 hp/s and teh heal table says 373.24 >.<
jeff123 @ 2005-11-03 00:01
it's a nice heal
jeff123 @ 2005-11-03 00:02
FC plz remove the User Level >= 201
twinkable at level 125 without User Level >= 201
djfube @ 2005-11-04 03:58
not likely jeff, they wont drop CR below 175, and even with full combined officers and other things it would be VERY difficult to use this at 125 without mochies/wrangles
jeff123 @ 2005-11-18 00:10
lol castable with the right things, noob.
jeff123 @ 2005-11-18 00:10
no offense
stanton @ 2005-11-20 16:58
shinracorp @ 2006-01-20 03:46
A SAUSAGE PAIN lolz ^^ wewt wewt
shinracorp @ 2006-01-20 03:46
heal sucks btw, dont bother, get tok. this jus wastes ur creds.
Kilajan @ 2006-01-21 18:26
Assauge Pain now gives you Max Health 1300. So it's better than CR! :D
Kilajan @ 2006-01-23 23:10
I retract my last statement. Sure it gives 1300 Max Hp. But it does not overwrite the Max hp nano that runs in NCU. CR does. :/
acrocrash @ 2007-02-04 07:52
Works as intended, so be it .. WTB BUG for all doc nanos to make hp refresh :)
Ginsumaster @ 2008-02-28 04:35
CR doesn't overwrite HP buff anymore, so now this is, as was intended, better than CR.
Actonel @ 2008-12-12 20:15
Yeah :( dunno why instead of taking that away from CR, why cant AR be changed to reflect that hp refresh with every cast instead.
danglies @ 2010-01-02 09:27
NOTE: This nanos can also be bought from Pande...

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