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Item Database - Composite Mastery

Composite Mastery Icon #16308 Increases all nano skills of the target by 50 points.
Flags Buff Nano, Disable Statel Collision
Patch 15.0.1 15.5.5 17.1 18.0
QL 50
Crystal Nano Crystal (Composite Mastery)
NCU 13
Nanocost 900
School Psionic: Sensory improvement MP buffs
Duration 4 hours
Attack time 2s
Recharge time 2.5s
Range 14 m
Effect icon Icon 16457
Stacking order 25
Attack skills
Sensory improvement 50 %
Psychological modifications 50 %
To Use User Psychological modifications >= 292 and
User Sensory improvement >= 292 and
User Profession == Meta-Physicist and
User Level >= 50 and
User Expansion sets & Shadowlands and
User Specialization & First and
Target Expansion sets & Shadowlands and
Target Level >= 40
On Use Target Modify Sensory improvement 50  
Target Modify Matter metamorphosis 50  
Target Modify Biological metamorphosis 50  
Target Modify Psychological modifications 50  
Target Modify Matter creation 50  
Target Modify Time and space 50  
Neverest @ 2003-09-19 12:59
Is this one shopbuyable?
Neverest @ 2003-09-19 13:04
I want this NOW!!!!
major @ 2003-10-01 22:58
not shop, maybe in mission ql 50
Tolant @ 2003-10-04 18:34
In reward ?
major @ 2003-10-06 02:35
no, boss loot but not more info about this item, not in reward, maybe on boss
LtBurlap @ 2003-11-09 06:29
became shop buyable in SL in the 15.2 patch. cant remember which playfield its in tho, Adonis sanctuary i think
Langerne @ 2003-11-13 12:09
this is shop buyable in elysuim sanctuary
ritesh63 @ 2003-12-23 07:37
where exactly do i buy this nano
estboy @ 2004-02-10 14:46
from Elysium Garden...go to the salesmen ( the dudes who sell weps, healing stuff etc.) he the last have to finish the Garden key quest (enel or shere depends on faction) to talk with that dude...w8 shit im talking about Composite teachings lol sry nvm :P
RuneGlow @ 2004-04-26 08:19
sphere sanctuary
RuneGlow @ 2004-04-26 08:19
thats the place but i need this nano too but i need somebody to fetch that for me please :) i will tip /tell formi
Minokhoon @ 2004-11-01 02:57
To just correct anyone who has said something that isn't true, here is how to get it: Do the Enel/Shere garden quest, and then the sanc. quest - then you can talk to the nanodealer in Ely Sanc. and buy it from him.

Or, ofcourse, tip someone to buy it - it doesn't cost that much :)
jobey @ 2005-03-11 19:43
most f the time people will buy this for you free, seeing as anyone level 100+ can make 15mil a day fro hecks, and this nano costs roughly 100k =)
Alsherry @ 2005-05-06 05:49
i wish i made 15m a day..... even as a 130 doc....
Baronn @ 2005-06-17 23:51
aye an org mate got this for me, from ely sanctuary. saves so much ncu
Sundiver @ 2005-09-06 06:08
Just do the quests, you will do them yourself eventually anyway :)
crazyc94 @ 2005-09-21 03:33
You know what's really nice about this? It stacks with Composite Nano Mastery. So that's +70 total to Nano Skills at lvl 50. I smell twinking :)
enfoz @ 2005-10-15 19:51
This is the thing that prefents you from needing to get immense amounts of NCU at low lvls.. :)
divergs @ 2005-11-13 17:23
I have looked in shere garden, and purchased from Son-Len, Official of Might, the seller of nano crystals,, and have not seen Composite Mastery. Please, where can i get it?
Gotrek65 @ 2005-12-21 01:21
Can someone tell me how i can complete my first specialization? maybe a link to a guide?
corezi @ 2005-12-29 14:11
Manicmouse @ 2006-04-24 12:40
If you bothered checking, it says where you can get it on the list page... "Composite Mastery (SL) (Ely S)" <-- Elysium Sanctuary
Dagger @ 2008-09-20 12:22
Can cast at level 35, stupid level req.
Chartax @ 2009-01-31 03:10
... It's like the people who post on Auno don't know how to use the internet or something. Someone should link to a basic internet guide and solve the entire issue once and for all.
Chartax @ 2009-01-31 03:11
Also sorry for double post, but yeah dagger, level reqs are like the most unpopular thing ever, I could have easily casted this before 50, but it's the fact that you can only get it at 50 is what makes it worth having.
ruah @ 2009-03-03 09:29
Agents can now cast this nano under FP
Ran-san @ 2011-06-21 18:43
Lies! Heresay!

Agents cannot cast this nano! Any rumors to the contrary are false. Nothing to see here, Agents. Move along....

*is trampled by the hoardes of agent twinks running into Ely Sanc for this nano*
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