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Item Database - Weak Coil of Nano Energy

Weak Coil of Nano Energy Icon #218300 The Coil is attuned to the ressonance of the Source. Sitting down and using it on yourself will make your body merge with the Source to gain energy from it.
This Spirit-Tech machine creates a tiny rift in reality, siphoning nano energy directly from the Source of all nano energy. Some believe this actually weakens the Source.
Flags Visible
Can Carry, Use, Stackable, Apply Friendly
Patch 15.0.1 15.2.2 15.3 17.9 17.10
Change QL:
Value 1000
Attack time 0.3s
Range 3 m
Clip 100 - 0
Mass 0.12kg
To Use User Treatment >= 92 and
User Time and space >= 92 and
User Target type not & Monster and
User In battle == 0 and
Target Inside Shadowlands & 1 and
Target Sitting == 2 and
Target not running and
Target In battle == 0
On Use Target Hit Current nano 36 .. 36  
Target Graphics Effect #13600  
User Lock Time and space 15s  
Chat Text A Line to the Source is extracting nano energy for you.  
Target Cast Weak Coil of Nano Energy 100% chance  
On Activate Self AddSkill Time and space 3  
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