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Item Database - Crystalized Novictum

Crystalized Novictum Icon #20407 Many attempts have been made at describing what Novictum really is. Teh Deacon defines it like this: '... and it is therefore not correct to regard Novictum as an energy source in the scientific meaning of the word, but rather as a 'metaphysical source of anti-growth' - an active matter of 'destruction' that balances 'growth' (represented by Notum) - and 'kills' energy. Traditionally death is regarded as passive, it is simply the 'random' absence of life. Life itself equals 'growth' in most beliefs. There is now good reason to start believing in the existence a destructive force that actively works against the force of 'growth' - and that both must be present as a premise of life. When both are absent we end up with death. In all other parts of the universe those two forces are always intermingled, only on Rubi-Ka and in the Shadowlands can you find those two 'building bricks of life' in their pure form.'
Flags Visible, Modified Description, Tell Collision, Disable Statel Collision
Can Carry, Wear
Patch 15.0.1
Change QL:
Value 100000
Mass 0.1kg
Tullyme @ 2006-05-26 00:49
engi tier1
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