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Item Database - Nano Crystal (Petals on Water)

Nano Crystal (Petals on Water) Icon #42450 Nano Crystal - Turns the caster into a force of controlled destruction for a short period of time. All damage inflicted by the caster is increased by 107 points.
Flags Visible, Modified Description, Tell Collision, Has Energy
Can Carry, Use, Eat
Patch 15.0.1
Change QL:
Value 1219367
Energy 1
Mass 0.1kg
To Use User Sensory improvement >= 894 and
User Biological metamorphosis >= 894 and
User Profession == Martial Artist and
User Level >= 145 and
User Expansion sets & Shadowlands and
User Specialization & Second
On Use User Upload Petals on Water  
picsl2 @ 2006-10-24 08:42
lol beats inner peace outward rage, and u still got a few more SL nanos of this type to go!!!! oh and no debuffzors!!!!! lub lub lub
Aurielle @ 2007-06-03 01:56
Double the nanocost though :P
mpluv @ 2007-10-25 21:03
What your missing here is the fact that you dont get short NSD from this, so you can spam this then heal right after so makes it very nice.
Worldnuker @ 2007-11-06 19:28
Not if you dont have the nano to heal? They both have a significant disadvantage, with the RK ones you cant heal, with this you lose nano for the two heals you could cast with RK one without NSD. But, of course this does more Dmg add
Yakobo66 @ 2007-11-15 15:31
meh... more dmg and no nano debuff > more nano cost :| STIMS FTW!!!
Esproc @ 2008-08-07 14:00
It's not like an MA has issues with running out of nano at tl5... but if one did a couple perks into Genius makes up for it.
Esproc @ 2008-08-07 14:01
Though you wouldn't be able to go NR and still use it in tl5.
Zinrax @ 2010-07-19 14:27
damed high reqs :S
Thesensai @ 2011-07-03 10:58
Ever though of getting nano cost reducer, sure might take a placc of an ncu memory, but if you can spam this and heals lovingly, then...erm, MA LUB!
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