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Item Database - Suzerain's Political Chief Headwear

Suzerain's Political Chief Headwear Icon #205775 Clearly this hat must be intelligent. Wearing it is like communciating with a lost part of yourself.
Flags Visible, No Drop, Has Damage, Disable Statel Collision
Can Carry, Wear
Patch 14.9
Change QL:
Type Armor
Slot Head
Value 1
Equip time 0.5s
Mass 0.8kg
To Equip User Profession == Bureaucrat and
User Intelligence >= 550 and
User Computer literacy >= 750 and
User Title level >= 6
On Equip User Modify Projectile AC 450  
User Modify Melee AC 450  
User Modify Energy AC 450  
User Modify Chemical AC 450  
User Modify Radiation AC 450  
User Modify Cold AC 450  
User Modify Poison AC 450  
User Modify Fire AC 450  
User Modify Max nano 550  
Murk05 @ 2004-06-18 05:32
Where and how do I get this?
Taeglen @ 2004-07-06 00:30
Drops during a Hollow Island raid, off a Brood Champion (forgot which one)
Apheriel @ 2004-09-24 21:06
Neverest @ 2004-11-25 05:23
Actually I got one in SL too, from the Rotting Eremite in Inferno
zyx21 @ 2005-01-30 23:06
+550 Max Nano helps.
pter666 @ 2005-09-09 00:42
looks damn nice if i remember well i saw it on a trox crat it just looked (cant describe how much it looks cool/funny at the same time) or i may just be crazy ;)
Xaerro @ 2006-09-17 16:37
Yeah...makes a damn fool out of u :)
Twinkywinky @ 2006-10-14 23:12
what u r speakin about?this hat rockz.. modifiers sucks..
toe @ 2006-12-25 10:09
Droprate from eight brood champ is sadly not 100%, more like 33%. Maybe even lower, but from Rotting Eremite in Inferno, even lower, perhaps 5% or 10%. Kinda sad actually, it's just a fun item to have, modifiers are nothing, they should make the droprate a bit higher.
jeycihn @ 2006-12-30 10:45
Droped off Rotting Eremite in Inferno. Only one drop in about 40 kills.
Deedia @ 2008-12-09 10:50
got mine today from rotting eremite ^^
Hwguy @ 2018-10-30 02:14
Dropped from a Vile Eremite (last boss) on a Inferno New Mission (Brink Med), but its really rare.
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