Sypiken @ 2004-09-15 09:53
What can this summon? =P
grandeweiner @ 2004-10-24 23:27
A special pair of sunglasses...doing a HI raid and I saw Funk Flamingo Glasses result, also Disco Duck sunglasses...maybe more? dunno yet:)
Pipinghot @ 2006-05-20 08:24
Yfo @ 2007-07-03 17:09
Electric Boogie Sunglasses the third possibility
Pheros @ 2009-01-11 01:06
mpluv @ 2009-04-03 07:04
This can drop in stacks, so you could potentially get all 3 from one raid
Mazzarin @ 2010-03-16 14:51
[Vicinity Loot Messages] ... looted Expensive Gift from Earth from Remains of Sixth Brood Champion.
oopsminded @ 2011-01-08 02:03
got it from 5th boss
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