Evercast @ 2003-07-05 18:54
Myrkon @ 2003-07-11 18:17
In-game :)
kongking @ 2003-08-09 12:25
where in-game?
Frederickson @ 2004-02-23 23:40
where the hell?
Apheriel @ 2004-09-24 21:13
docburlac @ 2006-07-07 18:42
omg. thats an item !!!
Ats @ 2006-12-11 23:08
docburlac @ 2006-07-07 18:42
omg. thats an item !!!
Are you serious this shit sucks lol
Xira @ 2007-05-16 19:20
Not too bad...
enfizzle @ 2007-09-21 00:15
poor mans RBP
raynevalco @ 2007-12-14 08:49
for a soldier its a piece of shit.... no assault rifle, no burst, no FA, no fling shot... that just plain sucks... great for agents terrible for soldiers :)
Vgman @ 2008-02-25 03:30
enjoy killing the brood mother ;)
zerogates @ 2008-06-12 03:07
Froobs can use it so don't dis it
Brinkmann @ 2008-09-25 04:57
Funny, I was about to get it for my froob agent then the big 17.9 patch came out. I don't need it anymore.
It is pretty much useless now.
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