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Item Database - Turn Spirit of Clever Cama Jodi

Turn Spirit of Clever Cama Jodi Icon #131268 WARNING: Adding the Turn Spirit to the correct weapon will produce a result that is NODROP.
Cama-Jodi was the sister of Cama Gil-Lux. Her skin was as cold as her intellect and her limbs were so stiff she could not walk without aid. She was never directly involved in combat. Still she was very often watching the regular battles, and she became a brilliant tactician. Her control over matter and energy was not impressive either, but what she could she still used as a base for inventing the best offensive tools the Redeemed have today. Realising her talent, but knowing her condition, the Redeemed soon secured an essence of her spirit, to make this appliance, that can turn one of the weapons of the Unredeemed against themselves. Soon after Cama Jodi was killed in an assault against a caravan she travelled with. Cama Gil-Lux brought home her body and and buried it in the Garden of Cama.
Flags Visible
Can Carry
Patch 15.0.1 15.5
Change QL:
Value 100000
Mass 1kg
To Use User Faction == Clan and
User Profession == Nano-Technician
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