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Item Database - Turn Spirit of the Minature

Turn Spirit of the Minature Icon #131268 Rhom-Pataghum was a strange one. He was born full size, but as time passed he shrinked more and more. When he reached what you may call 'adulthood', he was no larger than a human head. This did not bring him down. His small size made him the best sniper of all the Unredeemed. For many man-decades he was a pest to the Redeemed, and for a long time many of them did not dare leaving their gardens in fear of being shot. Rhom-Pataghum was honored by being allowed to lend his spirit to make this appliance, that can turn one of the weapons of the Redeemed against themselves. At the time when that happened he had become the size of an eyeball, and he had to retire because of it. Nobody knows what has happened to him since.
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Can Carry
Patch 15.0.1 15.5
Change QL:
Value 100000
Mass 1kg
To Use User Faction == Omni-Tek and
User Profession == Agent
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