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Item Database - Turn Spirit of Fiery Hatred

Turn Spirit of Fiery Hatred Icon #131268 A great hero was born the day Labytanth came into the world, already fully grown. When he cried, burning magma fell from his eyes instead of tears, and he could not wear normal clothes or armor, because he was so hot. Metal or rock would turn liquid in contact with his skin, and run like rivers down his 6 legs. Then the great smiths of Inferno constructed a suit for him, made from precious gemstones and held together by strong spirits. It was a great help for him. One man-week after he was born he was on the battlefield, fighting. No weapon could penetrate his armor, and no enemy could hold onto him. Everywhere he went the Redeemed fled. He was unstoppable.
In Penumbra Cama-Zihach heard of this hero, and he stepped out of the garden for the first time in 6000 man-years. He was the opposite of Labytanth, he was so cold that stones cracked when he touched them. He came to where Labytanth was, and he grabbed around him. The hero of the Unredeemed screamed with anger - never had he felt a chilly touch before. The earth was shaking and Labytanth twisted in the grip of Cama-Zihach, but he did not loosen his hold. For 3 man-days Cama-Zihach held him, and all the time the earth continued shaking. Mountains slowly crumbled, rivers changed their courses, the last forests there catched fire, but in the end Labytanth stopped twisting and shaking. His body had cracked up and his soul was about to leave him, but before it left his people catched a part of it, and they made this appliance that can turn one of the weapons of the Redeemed against themselves.
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Can Carry
Patch 15.0.1 15.5
Change QL:
Value 100000
Mass 1kg
To Use User Faction == Omni-Tek and
User Profession == Soldier
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