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Item Database - Turn Spirit of the Masked Adjutant

Turn Spirit of the Masked Adjutant Icon #131268 This appliance can turn one of the weapons of the Unredeemed against themselves. It was designed by Jawad-Nogat, the Masked Adjutant.
Jawad-Nogat loved Abili-bhili, who was a Forrester in Nascence, but Abili-Bhili did not fancy him. She always insulted him when they met, and she never spoke gently about him to others. Jawad-Nogat was related to Abili-Bhili's conserver though, and the Conserver arranged it so that he could travel as an adjutant with the Forrester whenever she went out of the garden.
So it became, but when travelling he always disguised himself behind a mask - so that he would not have to listen to her scorching remarks. She did not guess his true identity, and she started to trust him. He had a natural knack with ranged weapons, and more than once did he defend the group sole-handedly against attackers. He started doing private missions for her, and gradually her trust grew into admiration of her masked adjutant.
One day in the garden, when Jawad-Nogat wore no mask, he met Abili-Bhili. She was about to throw him an insult, when she got a glance of his pistol. She recognized it at once, and she turned pale and paralyzed, without words to speak to him.
After that the two came together. They lived together in the garden for a very long time, and never did anyone hear them say anything but loving words to each other.
Flags Visible
Can Carry
Patch 15.0.1 15.5
Change QL:
Value 100000
Mass 1kg
To Use User Faction == Clan and
User Profession == Adventurer
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