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Item Database - Spartan Hammer

Spartan Hammer Icon #210191 This weapon contains essences of the Unredeemed. Impudently they refer to themselves as the Chosen ones or the Grand.
For the Clans the Redeemed has converted this weapon into a tool to fight the Unredeemed and their lackeys.
One day the long lost balance will be regained, and the rule of the Redeemed shall make all beings equal.
Flags Visible, Modified Description, Want Collision, No Drop
Can Carry, Wear, No Ammo, Fast Attack, Brawl, Parry, Parriable
Patch 15.0.1
Change QL:
Type Weapon
Slot Right hand, Left hand
Value 1089105
Equip time 1s
Attack time 2s
Recharge time 2s
Range 2 m
Damage 66-555 (66) - Poison AC
Attack rating cap 2300
Initiative skill Melee init
Mass 1.5kg
Multi melee 1600
Damage View this weapon in the Damage Calculator
Defense skills
Evade close 100 %
Attack skills
1h Blunt 100 %
To Equip User Faction == Clan and
User Profession == Enforcer and
User 1h Blunt >= 1701 and
User Fast attack >= 851 and
User Brawl >= 1021
On Equip User Modify Max health 300  
User Modify Melee init 50  
User Modify Critical chance 1  
thegreatbear @ 2005-10-20 21:44
anyone know how to make this or is it dropped in any place
Zadey @ 2007-04-10 11:41
Cant belive i get to be the first to say this....

Xira @ 2007-05-22 17:14
Stabbah @ 2007-10-31 09:45
Where does it drop ? ;P
Vgman @ 2008-02-14 16:16
looks likea drop off high lv unredeemed mobs. prob in inf/pand. also i'll give somone 5m to kill zadey
jokeUsa @ 2008-03-05 09:09
Turn spirit weapon.
Ransomnia @ 2008-03-26 15:37
for TRUE 2hb walkers... lucky there ofab bit faster / more dmg / higher MBS / easier to obtain :P Bear MK VI <- nurf
donger @ 2008-05-23 21:08
apart from the fact that this is a 1hb weapon, l2r please

panther is what you are talking about.
Ata1981 @ 2008-10-16 19:05
LOL this is Spartaaaa:D
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