Teiji @ 2003-10-01 03:09
WTS a bag of 1365000 bullets, 3m per bag /tell Mekura
Sypiken @ 2004-09-22 09:35
=P Sounds like a good idea if soldiers get tierd from pushing the same button a million times.
Desasterarea @ 2006-09-07 14:21
Where to get this baby?
toe @ 2006-09-13 00:32
Get a sacrosanct assault rifle, get a ocra-xum glyph, have a tradeskiller add glyph to gun for you, get gun back, then if you are lucky enough to find a Turn Spirit of Laethosin the Leader simply add that to the rifle. The last step makes it nodrop, so you need to do it yourself. The pain is finding a turnspirit, very rare and expensive :-/
Cindrax @ 2010-05-24 13:54
Sorry for the noob question here.... At what level should/can a soldier make the switch from a Perenium Blaster to this? The PB is a great weapon, but I hate its looks.
Can this weapon and the parts needed to upgrade it all be bought, or blitzed, or obtained through a method that doesn't require killing large group/raid type bosses?
What tradeskills are needed (and how high) to do the final combination?
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