juggernaut @ 2003-09-22 16:57
where do i get this
RuneGlow @ 2004-05-16 16:05
i would like to know that too ...
RuneGlow @ 2004-05-16 16:05
or do i have to build it ?
AlienDragn @ 2005-11-15 23:45
This is just a rough guess based on item names. This is the clan-fixer version of a cooperator/collaborator AR for soldiers. Sancrosanct Blaster + Grey Glyph of Bhotaar = Sancrosanct Bhotaar Blaster. This part can be done by another player, and the glyph can be any QL. (the QL of the gun will be final item QL) then combine the clan fixer Turn Spirit (not sure on the name) with the Bhotaar Blaster to turn it into this, which is No Drop. Turn Spirits are a bit pricey I believe, and the turn spirit must be at least 80% of the gun's QL.
Anarki3x6 @ 2006-11-29 05:29
anyone know if theres an omni version?
and if so whats it called?
LoPnK @ 2007-04-01 07:09
City Blaster is the omni version
museerouge @ 2008-09-01 21:23
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