Megabob @ 2004-05-26 19:23
Hey, it's not crap anymore!
falconindy @ 2004-05-26 20:11
Islashthings @ 2004-05-26 22:12
Ummm.... are you looking at the same stats I am?
220 min instead of 175, same speed.... so how exactly is PE better?
Islashthings @ 2004-05-26 22:13
Not to mention that RBP adds 60 Fire damage, and Chem dmg...
falconindy @ 2004-06-06 22:34
you lookin' at the crit? it's also infinitely easier to get a 260 PE than a 300 inamorata rapier. kinda lame to be centering your weapons around an RBP, when i'd much rather be wearing a blood soaked cloak.
fly @ 2008-10-19 20:15
PE would be better for pvp where SA is key...higher crit = higher SA
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