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Item Database - Susurrating Spike of Menace

Susurrating Spike of Menace Icon #213075 This weapon contains essences of the Redeemed, the ones that call themselves the Faithful or the Inamorata.
By just powers this weapon has been turned into a tool for Omni-Tek personnel - loyal servants of the Chosen ones, the Sacrosanct, that are also known as 'The Unredeemed' by their enemies.
Our progress improves your life. Stagnation is degeneration, degeneration is death.
Flags Visible, Modified Description, Want Collision, No Drop
Can Carry, Wear, No Ammo, Sneak Attack, Fast Attack, Dimach, Parry, Parriable
Patch 15.0.1 15.5.4
Change QL:
Type Weapon
Slot Right hand, Left hand
Value 685551
Equip time 1s
Attack time 2s
Recharge time 2s
Range 3 m
Damage 220-475 (50) - Fire AC
Attack rating cap 2000
Initiative skill Melee init
Martial arts 1600
Mass 1.5kg
Multi melee 1600
Damage View this weapon in the Damage Calculator
Defense skills
Evade close 100 %
Attack skills
Piercing 100 %
To Equip User Faction == Omni-Tek and
User Profession == Shade and
User Piercing >= 1701 and
User Sneak attack >= 851 and
User Fast attack >= 851 and
User Dimach >= 341
On Equip User Modify Max health 300  
User Modify Evade close 35  
User Modify Concealment 40  
Megabob @ 2004-05-26 19:23
Hey, it's not crap anymore!
falconindy @ 2004-05-26 20:11
still wins *shrug*
Islashthings @ 2004-05-26 22:12
Ummm.... are you looking at the same stats I am?
220 min instead of 175, same speed.... so how exactly is PE better?
Islashthings @ 2004-05-26 22:13
Not to mention that RBP adds 60 Fire damage, and Chem dmg...
falconindy @ 2004-06-06 22:34
you lookin' at the crit? it's also infinitely easier to get a 260 PE than a 300 inamorata rapier. kinda lame to be centering your weapons around an RBP, when i'd much rather be wearing a blood soaked cloak.
fly @ 2008-10-19 20:15
PE would be better for pvp where SA is key...higher crit = higher SA
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