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Item Database - Channeling of Notum

Channeling of Notum This perk will allow for faster regeneration of nano points. The more Perks the NT has in this line, the more powerful the regen rate will be.
Flags Visible, Can Be Template Item
Can Carry, Wear, Can Wear With Social Armor
Patch 15.0.1
Change QL:
Type Perk
To Equip User Profession == Nano-Technician and
User Level >= 170 and
User Channeling of Notum 2 trained
velvet87 @ 2006-03-24 06:51
do n0t train this line. Wait for current nano program execution to finish. Unable to execute nano program. You can't execute this nano on the target.
sinistral @ 2006-10-10 12:23
Not related to this perkline, general bug.
Mizzfixit @ 2006-11-05 09:28
Actually, since the nano-reg on this perk is aurabased, this perkline starts the same kind of problem as Keeper auras does...
Binarybot @ 2009-03-06 02:09
Think this has been fixed since 17
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