18.8.62 | Live servers: 18.8.62

Item Database - Commanding Presence

Commanding Presence This perk line will offer the Bureaucrat an attack and defense modifier pulsing team buff. The more perks the Bureaucrat has in this line, the more powerful it will be.
Flags Visible, Can Be Template Item
Can Carry, Wear, Can Wear With Social Armor
Patch 15.0.1 18.3.2
Change QL:
Type Perk
To Equip User Profession == Bureaucrat and
User Level >= 10
On Equip Team Cast Commanding Presence  every 120s
if Commanding Presence 1 trained  and
Commanding Presence 2 not trained  
Team Cast Commanding Presence  every 120s
if Commanding Presence 2 trained  and
Commanding Presence 3 not trained  
Team Cast Commanding Presence  every 120s
if Commanding Presence 3 trained  and
Commanding Presence 4 not trained  
Team Cast Commanding Presence  every 120s
if Commanding Presence 4 trained  and
Commanding Presence 5 not trained  
Team Cast Commanding Presence  every 120s
if Commanding Presence 5 trained  and
Commanding Presence 6 not trained  
Team Cast Commanding Presence  every 120s
if Commanding Presence 6 trained  and
Commanding Presence 7 not trained  
Team Cast Commanding Presence  every 120s
if Commanding Presence 7 trained  and
Commanding Presence 8 not trained  
Team Cast Commanding Presence  every 120s
if Commanding Presence 8 trained  and
Commanding Presence 9 not trained  
Team Cast Commanding Presence  every 120s
if Commanding Presence 9 trained  and
Commanding Presence 10 not trained  
Team Cast Commanding Presence  every 120s
if Commanding Presence 10 trained  
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