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Item Database - Commanding Presence

Commanding Presence Icon #16196 The Commanding Presence of a bureaucrat increases your attack and defensive ratings. The amount of experience you earn is also increased.
Flags Modified Description, Default Target, Buff Nano, Want Collision
Patch 15.0.1 15.5.5 18.3.2 18.8.53
Nanocost 0
School Psionic: 549
Duration 2 minutes
Range 1 m
Effect icon Icon 16353
Stacking order 10
On Use User Modify Offense modifier 260  
User Modify Defense modifier 100  
User Modify Experience modifier 2  
Crathros @ 2004-03-15 06:22
Definately something for all bureaucrats to raise in. By the way, this is a perk. This may help bureaucrats very much, but this will help there pets amazingly. Have this running with a good motivational speech, and your pet will attack very very very fast. I believe this also runs on your team.
Peanut @ 2004-06-26 05:19
IM pretty sure this doesent run on ur pet but i could be wrong i know crat speachees do run on ur pet and this is a team buff also
Triceratroll @ 2004-09-13 21:21
pets are not affectet ^^ i`ve tested it^^
Bluetape @ 2005-11-19 21:47
Crats don't train this perk because
1. It doesn't affect our charms or our bots. And since crats are not physical damage dealers, it gives us absolutely negligible benefit.
2. Compare taking 10 perks to max this out, or 10 perks to max out 'bureaucrat shuffle' (huge short-term evade buff) or even training seminar/explorer, and the choice is pretty clear.
3. If people appreciated this perk, we'd train it. But since all we get seen for is XP poles and insurance, why bother? Only a small portion out there even appreciates heroic measures.

In other words, it's not 'expected' of us to max out this perkline, and thus we don't. We would, but considering all the other things that get 'expected' of us, we're not going to add one more thing that railroads crats into XP poles.

- Bluetape
klan @ 2006-01-15 21:02
a crat need to have this perk 260 in Ar in all the team is usefull
Celestyna @ 2006-06-07 16:18
"1. It doesn't affect our charms or our bots. And since crats are not physical damage dealers, it gives us absolutely negligible benefit."

What are you on? Crats can be amazing damage dealers as long as they don't hold +xp pistols from 1 to 220. A good crat is in Top3 DD in any mission team. Any crat 150+ should max this perkline. Crats are "just XP poles" only if they choose to be that.
Yakobo66 @ 2007-02-06 20:32
this aura is UBER lol, not just an aad/o but an xp boost :D (had 21% xp from a 213 crat >.<)
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