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Item Database - Scrounger

Scrounger Icon #39221 Increases the Shade's Evade skill by 56 points, Duck and Dodge skills by 32 points and Agility by 65 points.
Flags Modified Description, Buff Nano
Can Carry
Patch 15.0.1 15.5.5 18.8.53
QL 135
Crystal Nano Crystal (Scrounger)
NCU 34
Nanocost 486
School Psionic: Agility buffs
Duration 2 hours
Attack time 4s
Recharge time 1s
Range 1 m
Effect icon Icon 39697
Stacking order 7
To Use User Profession == Shade and
User Psychological modifications >= 839 and
User Sensory improvement >= 763 and
User Level >= 135
On Use User Modify Agility 65  
User Modify Duck explosives 32  
User Modify Dodge ranged 32  
User Modify Evade close 56  
Madscrilla @ 2006-01-03 06:08
Where does this one drop? I don't seem to see any info on the official forums.
Wakizaka @ 2006-01-04 16:13
Mission Rollable. Just use clicksaver if you get tired...
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