18.8.62 | Live servers: 18.8.62

Item Database - Vengeance of the Resolute

Vengeance of the Resolute Icon #39028 Creates an enhancing aura around the Keeper that increases the damage of every member of the Keeper's team by 38 points.
Flags Modified Description, Default Target, Buff Nano
Patch 15.0.1 15.5.5 18.8.53
QL 72
Crystal Nano Crystal (Vengeance of the Resolute)
NCU 18
Nanocost 1203
School Space: Enervate and Vengeance line
Duration 2 hours
Attack time 10s
Recharge time 5s
Range 1 m
Effect icon Icon 39538
Stacking order 72
To Use User Profession == Keeper and
User Psychological modifications >= 403 and
User Biological metamorphosis >= 403 and
User Level >= 50
On Use Team Cast Vengeance of the Resolute  25 hits, 300s delay
Team Cast Vengeance of the Resolute  
Thewiteknite @ 2005-10-30 18:37
pretty using this at lvl 98
Hulluporo @ 2005-12-15 18:15
you cant get better in lvl 98 lmao
Awaren @ 2006-03-20 08:33
Im using it at 90
LordShado @ 2006-08-22 04:29
I'm using it at 77
TheRenegade @ 2006-11-19 23:25
You're all full of shit ;D
Nizzger @ 2007-04-05 06:59
using it at 60.. opifex ftw
bartje @ 2007-04-18 19:03
using at 50, trader ftw=P
Flatvia @ 2007-07-27 15:31
I cant use it at all >.< trox ftw... not
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