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Item Database - Elemental Dissipation

Elemental Dissipation Icon #84196 Empowering the attacks of the Shade, the Elemental Dissipation will occasionally cause the Shade to inflict a debilitating poison upon a successful attack. This poison affects health and nano points, lowering both over time.
Flags Modified Description, Buff Nano
Patch 15.0.1 15.5.5 17.2 18.8.53
QL 162
Crystal Nano Crystal (Elemental Dissipation)
NCU 41
Nanocost 2476
School Space: Shade empowering line
Duration 2 hours
Attack time 10s
Recharge time 10s
Range 1 m
Effect icon Icon 84078
Stacking order 162
To Use User Profession == Shade and
User Time and space >= 927 and
User Biological metamorphosis >= 927 and
User Psychological modifications >= 1007 and
User Level >= 155 and
User Specialization & Third
ericdraven @ 2005-07-23 14:42
Penumbra sanctuary.
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