Jackplug @ 2003-03-16 01:50
Where would i get this from?
Reiback @ 2003-03-16 23:29
I would like to know where to buy/ obtain this from too
supapoopa @ 2003-03-18 02:03
its in next patch
Matalok @ 2003-03-25 13:10
Looks like a general nano, will be available in the shop accordingly
blub @ 2003-04-24 22:01
so patch is out and i can't find this nano in any shop. where can i get this from?
yolchanok @ 2003-12-18 17:37
in generic shop. its there, go take a look
Dead66 @ 2004-01-25 21:00
Dude they dont sell this in generic shop i wanted it for my ENG
ShacklerIII @ 2004-01-27 19:19
Since most SL nanos drop in SL too, you might find one monsterdropped, hunt SL some more i suppose. Ill post if i find one
zxcs @ 2004-02-19 08:50
Not in-game, used in SL beta though, I guess ARKs use it, but it cannot be bought/found.
Triceratroll @ 2004-07-18 22:12
it was nerfed like the kami bots .. long time ago... when i was young^^
Grusummere @ 2005-03-29 04:03
i never have seen this in gen nano shops, i think it got removed.
RobB @ 2005-05-05 13:49
It is not ingame yet!
shadowjudge @ 2005-06-20 21:06
the point of this nano is.....?
snarfblatt @ 2005-11-11 01:06
I believe people are getting this nano confused with the regular Pet Warp (http://auno.org/ao/db.php?id=209488). This Pet Combat Warp is not available in the game.
soulabducter @ 2006-01-05 16:25
if the nano isnt available ingame means its not AVAILABLE INGAME...
Anonymous59 @ 2006-01-08 02:16
Pet Warp = Ingame
Pet Combat Warp = Not Ingame
And please stop flaming the fr00bs, I spent 1 fr00b year before upgrading and I can tell fr00bs aren't nothing, even if still hunting borgs at level 145 is a bit boring :p
Moniker @ 2006-01-08 21:04
I'd much rather be on a team with an ex-froob than some stupid heckler noob. Atleast froobs had to put enough effort into the game to level that they might actually know thier profession.
Anonymous59 @ 2006-02-18 13:57
Yeah, I'm a bit surprised when in teams, when I ask "All of you know how to use Fgrid", I get lots of "No", I even made a little ascript to explain it :p
dmytro1990 @ 2007-04-20 08:08
hehe, that's awesome
zendadaist @ 2008-04-18 14:08
A pet warp that works in combat like this would be a small step in the right direction to help the ABSOLUTELY freaking AWFUL state that pet pathing/responsiveness/hide-and-seek is in at the moment.
Give. Now.
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